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Uncertainty Estimation Using a Single Deep Deterministic Neural Network

Authors: Joost van Amersfoort, Lewis Smith, Yee Whye Teh and Yarin Gal

Paper: Code:


Using MC-Dropout or ensembles are expensive to run. In this paper, the authors proposes to add a gradient penalty to reliably detect out-of-distribution data. In addition, the inference phase is fast because we can perform the uncertainty estimation in a single pass.

Deterministic Uncertainty Quantification (DUQ)

DUQ uses a RBF Network to compute centroids for each class. The model is trained by minimizing the number of false assignation between a class centroid and its members.

Loss funtion

For a model f, a centroid matrix W and a centroid e, we compute the similarity using a RBF kernel. Theta is a hyper parameter.

\(K_c(f_\theta, e_c) = exp(-\frac{\frac{1}{n}\mid \mid W_cf_\theta(x) - e_c\mid\mid^2_2}{2\sigma^2})\)

with this similarity we can make a prediction by selecting the centroid with the highest similarity.

The loss function is now simply

\(L(x,y) = - \sum_c y_clog(K_c) + (1 - y_c)log(1-K_c)\),

where \(K_c(f_\theta, e_c)=K_c\)

After each batch, we update the centroid matrix using an exponential moving average.


To avoid feature collapse, the authors introduce a gradient penalty directly applied to \(K_c\): \(\lambda* (\mid\mid \nabla_x \sum_c K_c\mid\mid^2_2 - 1)^2\) where 1 is the Lipschitz constant. In their experiments, they use \(\lambda=0.05\).

In summary, this simple technique is faster and better than ensembles. It also shows that RBF networks work on large datasets.