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Baal FAQ

If you have more questions, please submit an issue, and we will include it here!

The FAQ is divided in two sections, a technical section that helps with the library and a second one that focus on the field of active learning and Bayesian deep learning. Finally, there is a Tips'n'Tricks section at the bottom so that your experiments run successfully.

Technical FAQ

How to predict uncertainty per sample in a dataset

model = YourModel()
# If not done already, you can wrap your model with our MCDropoutModule
model = MCDropoutModule(model)
dataset = YourDataset()
wrapper = ModelWrapper(model, criterion=None)

heuristic = BALD()

# This has a shape [iterations, len(dataset), num_classes, ...]
predictions = wrapper.predict_on_dataset(dataset, batch_size=32, iterations=20, use_cuda=True)
uncertainty = heuristic.get_uncertainties(predictions)

If your model or dataset is too large:

pred_generator = wrapper.predict_on_dataset_generator(dataset, batch_size=32, iterations=20, use_cuda=True)
uncertainty = heuristic.get_uncertainties_generator(pred_generator)

It is also possible to only temporarily modify the dropout layers.

with MCDropoutModule(model) as mcdropout_model:
    # this is stochastic
    predictions = [mcdropout_model(input) for _ in range(ITERATIONS)]
# this is deterministic
output = model(input)

Does Baal work on semantic segmentation?

Yes! See the example in experiments/segmentation/

The key idea is to provide the Heuristic with a way to aggregate the uncertainties. In the case of semantic segmentation, MC-Dropout will provide a distribution per pixel. To reduce this to a single uncertainty value, you can provide reduction to the Heuristic with one of the following arguments:

  • String (one of 'max', 'mean', 'sum')
  • Callable, a function that will receive the uncertainty per pixel.

Does Baal work on NLP/TS/Tabular data?

Baal is not task-specific, it can be used on a variety of domains and tasks. We are working toward more examples.

Bayesian active learning has been used for Text Classification and NER in (Siddhant and Lipton, 2018).

How to know if my model is calibrated

Baal uses the ECE to compute the calibration of a model. It is available throught: baal.utils.metrics.ECE and baal.utils.metrics.ECE_PerCLs, the latter providing the metrics per class.

You can add this metric to your model wrapper doing ModelWrapper.add_metric('ece', lambda: ECE(n_bins=20))

After training and testing, you can get your score with:

metrics = your_model.metrics
# Test ECE
# Train ECE

What to do if my models/datasets don't fit in memory?

There is several ways to use Baal on large tasks.

  • If MC sampling does not fit, you can use a for-loop instead.
    • Set ModelWrapper replicate_in_memory=False.
  • If the size of the prediction does not fit.
    • Heuristics support generators
    • Use ModelWrapper.predict_on_dataset_generator

How can I specify that a label is missing and how to label it.

The source of truth for what is labelled is the ActiveLearningDataset.labelled array. This means that we will never train on a sample if it is not labelled according to this array. This array determines the split between the labelled and unlabelled datasets.

# Let ds = D, the entire dataset with labelled/unlabelled data.
ds = YourDataset()
al_dataset = ActiveLearningDataset(ds, ...)
# For convenience, let's label 10 samples at random.
# But you can provide the `labelled` array to ActiveLearningDataset
# if you already have labels.
pool = al_dataset.pool

From a rigorous point of view: \(D = ds\) , \(D_L=al\_dataset\) and \(D_U = D \setminus D_L = pool\). Then, we train our model on \(D_L\) and compute the uncertainty on $D_U $. The most uncertains samples are labelled and added to \(D_L\), removed from \(D_U\).

Let a method query_human performs the annotations, we can label our dataset using indices relative to$D_U $. This assumes that your dataset class YourDataset has a method named label which has the following definition: def label(self, idx, value) where we give the label for index idx. There the index is not relative to the pool, so you don't have to worry about it.

Full example.
# Some definitions
your_heuristic = BALD()
pool = active_dataset.pool
your_predictions = ModelWrapper.predict_on_dataset(pool, ...)
# The shape of `your_predictions` is [len(pool), n_classes, ..., iterations]
# Get the next batch of samples to label. Note: These indices are according to the pool.
ranks = your_heuristic(your_predictions)

# Now let's ask a human to label those samples.
labels = query_human(ranks, pool)

# To edit the dataset labels, you can now add those labels to your dataset. Still, the indices are according to the pool.
active_dataset.label(ranks, labels)

Theory FAQ

Bayesian active learning is a relatively small field with a lot of unknowns. This section aims at presenting some of our findings so that newcomers can quickly learn.

Don't forget to look at our literature review for a good introduction to the field.

Should you use early stopping?

From our experiments, early stopping hurts the process. The training dataset is so small that the model overfits very quickly and hence early stopping triggers too early. We also know from Atighehchian et al. that underfitting hurts the process more than overfitting.

Which optimizer works best?

We find that SGD works well in for computer vision problems. More complex optimizers such as Adam hurt the process. Beck et al. 2021 find similar results. This is mostly the case in the beginning of the process where the model overfits quickly because the training set is small.

When finetuning Transformers, we find that the Adam optimizer works well if it is re-initialized at the beginning of each active learning step.

How do you evaluate active learning?

The standard process is to compare to uniform sampling (sometime refered as Random). Some datasets are better to use than others. Academic datasets are often too clean for active learning because they were manually curated. Remember that active learning works best on industrial datasets where duplicates, low-information examples or noisy examples are common.

Which query size to use?

Of course the lower the better, but Atighehchian et al. shows that BALD works well with a query size under 1000. This was tested on an academic dataset where Random sampling is especially strong. In practice, BALD performs worse on low-diversity datasets and could wrongly behave on a lower query size.

Tips & Trick for a successful active learning experiment

Many of these tips can be found in our paper Bayesian active learning for production.

Remove data augmentation when computing uncertainty

You can specify which variables to override when creating the unlabelled pool using the pool_specifics argument.

from torchvision import transforms

transform = transforms.Compose([
test_transform = transforms.Compose([

your_dataset = ADataset(transform=transform)
active_dataset = ActiveLearningDataset(your_dataset, pool_specifics={'transform': test_transform})

# active_dataset will use data augmentation
# the pool will use the `test_transform`
pool = active_dataset.pool

Reset the model to its original weights (Gal et al. 2017)

# Make a deep copy of the initial weights
initial_weights = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())
loop = ActiveLearningLoop(...)

for al_step in range(NUM_AL_STEP):
    # Reset the weights to its initial value
    # Train to convergence
    # Test on the validation set.
    # Label the next set of labels.

Use Bayesian model average when testing.

When using MC-Dropout, or any other Bayesian methods, you will want to compute the Bayesian model average (BMA) at test time too.

To do so, you can specify the average_predictions parameters in ModelWrapper.test_on_dataset. The prediction will be averaged over iterations stochastic predictions.

This will slightly increase the ECE of your model and will improve the predictive performance as well.

Compute uncertainty on a subset of the unlabelled pool

Predicting on the unlabelled pool is the most time consuming part of active learning, especially in expensive tasks such as segmentation.

Our work shows that predicting on a random subset of the pool is as effective as the full prediction. Baal supports this features throught the max_samples argument in ActiveLearningPool.